Sunday, May 28, 2023

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know

A High Frontier event by Paul Watson

When the obelisk on the dark side of the moon opens, it signals Hell for humankind.

Frenzied communications reveal that something has attacked the various moon bases then it has all gone quiet. Whilst deciding what to do Professor Lazarus gets in touch with a proposition...

This game is a High Frontier game and sequel to Life in the Past. Anyone is welcome to join, even if you didn't play Life in the Past.

The Drake Objective: Extraction

A High Frontier Event by James Bloodworth, Nick Reynolds, Simon Barker and David Dorward

3 Months after the events of “The Goodman Protocol” and immediately prior to the weekend event: “The Drake Objective”

On a distant world, a secret outpost is working with recently acquired extra-terrestrial technology. Amongst the team, what they are working on has become known loosely known as: The Drake Objective. On the eve of a potential breakthrough, the scientific team leader has gone missing and the infamous terrorist organisation, Galactic Dawn, has landed close by. The lightly armed science team have retreated to the safety of their security zone and requested extraction.


  • Extract civilian assets and all their data and materials
  • Minimise enemy interaction where possible
  • Transport all recovered assets to space station CABRILLO
  • This mission has been classified DELTA-ZERO

But what are the scientists working on that requires such secrecy?

This game will act as an immediate prequel to the upcoming High Frontier weekend game: “The Drake Objective”.