Playing a Synthetic

Note we do not use the existence of Synthetic player characters as a means to explore slavery and issues of personhood.

It has been common for most Marine Units and Civilian Starships to have at least one Synthetic (they prefer the term ‘Artificial Person’) for conducting routine ship maintenance and general overwatch duties whilst the passengers and crew are in Hypersleep.  

Usually only one player will be allowed to play a Synthetic on any one game. They are engineered for a role, not born, so they have the following drawbacks: -

They must follow the three laws of robotics.

  1. A Synthetic may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A Synthetic must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A Synthetic must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

In addition.

  • Whilst you are able to handle/carry and maintain firearms you cannot use one in any scenario.  Similarly, you can set and prime explosives but not cause a detonation.  This applies to military units as well as civilian ones.
  • You may need to be healed by an engineer as opposed to a Med-Tech. There may be a separate mechanism for healing which may also limit the numbers of times they can be “healed” before they are damaged beyond repair, but this will be down to the GM of the game.

As well as the ‘hard’ rules above, playing a Synthetic comes with other ‘soft’ implications.

In order to play a synthetic in a manner in keeping with the source material please portray them as a person who has dedicated their life to one of diligent service (rule 2) and if necessary, ultimate sacrifice (rule 3). 

A synthetic character is a fully realised person but an ascetic one that never becomes angry, never lashes out and shows great patience.

Synthetic characters are highly capable but humble. Typically, they will defer to non-synthetic characters unless they are clearly in need of assistance or intervention. They are not without fear (rule 3) but in certain circumstances are completely fearless (rule 1). Other characters should appreciate this and should treat you accordingly.

This can be a highly rewarding play experience.

Synthetics have the following benefits.

  • 15 Hits
  • Considered competent in the following skill areas: -
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Forensics
  • Med Tech
  • Physics

Playing with a Synthetic

As per the guidance for Synthetic players, be aware they are fully realised persons and should be treated as such. They are highly capable, professional colleagues who you rely on to do many things you are not capable of. They tend to your safety while you sleep. Any stigma against Synthetics is in the past and a trope to be avoided unless there are very specific in-game reasons. A Synthetic player character is no more likely to have a secret agenda or ‘hidden programming’ than any other player character.