The following are organisations or companies your character would have heard of and could have or currently be working for.
Atlas News
One of the two preeminent news organisations in the galaxy specialising in both local and galactic items. Atlas was a rising force in the early 21st century with stellar reporters such as Daniel Larwood and Susan Caxton (who was poached from Cosmopolitan News in 2029). Often compared to the Galactic News Network and they are often seen as rivals trying to out scoop each other at various flashpoints.Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
A mainstay dating all the way back to the early 20th century, the primary intelligence gathering network of the United State of the Americas. Specialising in covert intelligence gathering throughout the solar system and beyond. Rumours of “Black Sites” where suspects are questioned and/or tortured continue to prevail.
One of the larger corporations with a primary interest in the mining and refining of minerals, Con-Amalgated maintains extensive operations in the solar system and is expanding to include new worlds beyond. The name is usually abbreviated to just “Con-Am”.Draziw Industries
Relatively small (by megacorp standards) Draziw manufactures specialised electronics and related hardware used almost exclusively on the High Frontier. Privately owned and notoriously secretive, it has allegedly rebuffed offers from Weyland Yutani and Lunar Industries several times over the years.European Space Liaison (ESL)
European version of the NCA, co-ordinates all space affairs that both countries and corporations within their sphere of influence are involved in.Federal Security Agency
The office of the Federal District Marshalls who tend to act as the officers of the Law on mostly United State of the Americas Stations, outposts and colonies. They can work in co-operation with their compatriots in the ISPF, but this can lead to jurisdictional issues.Galactic News Network
One of the two leading news networks (the other being Atlas News). GNN was once the leading news organisation but its star has faded over the last century in preference to other networks such as Atlas.
The Grimaldi Foundation
A philanthropic foundation that counts some of the richest families of the Federal League of Europe as its benefactors. Grimaldi maintains one of the largest known collections of ancient artefacts ranging from all over Earth, they have an increasing interest in items from the High Frontier.Hyperdyne Systems
Primary manufacturer of Synthetic (or “Artificial People” if you prefer) robots, Hyperdyne tends to focus more on industrial/military models. It has seen usage taken up extensively since the relative failure of the Replicant experiments in the early 20th century.Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC)
Created in the early 21st century as the “International Commerce Commission”, it was renamed in the late 21st century but its mission has largely remained the same. ICC’s primary goal is the regulation and investigation of corporations and their related assets, in essence to try and keep the mega-corps in check.Interstellar Space Police Force (ISPF)
One of the two law enforcement agencies in the High Frontier, ISPF usually has offices where there is either an ESL mission or colony or a company based within its remit. It has been known to work with their compatriots in the Federal Security Agency but this can often lead to jurisdictional issues.League of Industrial Nations
Similar in nature to the defunct United Nations, this group is responsible for the awarding of newly surveyed worlds to countries, corporations, etc. The League maintains a large fleet of survey vessels but also sub-contracts surveying work as well. All claims need to go through them, a situation that does not sit well with some countries for a while, most notably Russia.Lunar Industries
The largest mining company currently operating, Lunar Industries was the first to successfully mine Helium-3 from the surface of the moon. Whilst they became embroiled in a cloning scandal in the early 21st century they have since gone to successfully establish mining operations throughout both the solar system (their primary rivals are Con-Amalgamated) and other discovered systems.
National Council on Astronautics (NCA)
The managing body that oversees all space activity, co-ordinates all space travel and colony activity originating from countries and corporations within its borders, coordinated activity with USAC.
Planetary Construction Incorporated
PCI specialise in the construction of habitats and other required buildings on terraformed worlds or those worlds where there is already a suitable atmosphere. Currently in the middle of a hostile takeover battle with Con-Amalgamated but rumours indicate Weyland Yutani have also shown interest in acquiring the company.Ravenwood
American based Ravenwood Contractors is probably the biggest Private Military Company in existence, and certainly the most expensive to hire. Floated on the Stock market in 2179, Ravenwood employ 700 Contractors and medical and technical support staff. They even own and operate a single ex-USCM Conegstoga class transport, making them the only PMC organisation with true independent interstellar capability.
Ravenwood has extensive contacts within both the US Government and Corporate spheres, and usually has multiple contracts in operation at the same time. It has never been called on to deploy its entire force in one place before, but if called on, it would surely be a force to be reckoned with.
European conglomerate formerly known as “Sieg and Son”, once a competitor to Weyland Yutani but has fallen on hard times having expanded quickly and retracted nearly as quickly. Noted manufacturer of “Working Joe” synthetics, various Pharmaceuticals and various other systems and tools used on the High Frontier.United State of the Americas Aerospace Command USAC)
The branch of the United State of the Americas Air Force that has any responsibility in the High Frontier. Some staff still informally refer to themselves as USAC, to the chagrin of newer member states.Weyland Yutani
One of the largest mega-corps in existence with assets in practically all major industries. It is a truism that everyone has either something made by them or knows someone who works for them.