Creating Your Character
There is no character class as such in the system but rather you pick your skills from a chart using a point system. Each character starts with 10 total Skill Points (SP) to spend on any skills you feel fit into your character concept.
Personal History/Character Background
The first part of creating your character always involves creating your backstory. Once you have this clear in your mind, you can pick skills that are appropriate for that character, this is first and foremost a roleplaying game, you are not just the sum of your skills. Your past could be as a soldier, space trucker, colonist or just someone who’s trying to make their way across the High Frontier.
Here are some suggestions for basic questions you can ask yourself as you think through your character concept. These aren’t questions to be directly answered but pointers to help you write your background.
- Name: Pick something that both works for you and is respectful of both the game background and your fellow players. Some of our players choose to use their real name for their characters, we are aware this is unusual in LARP. Don’t feel obliged to follow suit.
- Age: Maybe you are a grizzled veteran who’s seen it all, maybe you were born on a recently colonised world.
- Birthplace: Were you born on Earth, one of its satellites or a newly terraformed world? How did your place of birth shape you as a character, what impact does it have on your life moving forward?
- Family: Are you an only child, do you have brothers and sisters, what happened to them? What’s the current state of your parents, what impact did they have when raising you, or did somebody else raise you? Do you have a partner or child back home that you yearn to return to?
- Profession: What is your current profession but also what other things have you done in the past that were an important part of your development?
These are some of the basic characteristics but then to properly flesh out your character you should consider the following questions: -
- What are your flaws?
- What are your qualities?
- What angers your character, similarly what brings them joy?
- What are you afraid of, are you running from something or someone?
- What secrets do you have?
On that last part about secrets, remember, secrets are no fun unless they come out in the due course of the game. Remember, nobody is perfect and even less so on the High Frontier, it can be a hard and unforgiving place to make your way through.
You should include your recent history in this, as well as people you may have interacted with. If you want to contact other players in advance and generate some links then that is fine and to be encouraged.