A High Frontier game of investigation, exploration and confrontation by Paul Watson
After the last game, the rag tag group designated Satan’s Little Helpers have returned to Gateway Station above the Earth; on their last outing they discovered what had been going on to plunge an entire planet into communications darkness.
After the infiltration of a local spaceport and the neutralisation of potential threats from both an Ancient Cult and some escaped Xenomorphs, it now transpires that the effect of the opened moon-base portal and uncontrolled evacuation (including the Xenomorph hitchhikers) has been felt across most of the Earth but that it was fortunately a temporary state of affairs. Communications with increasing numbers of survivor groups indicate that there has been a concerted human fight back and that they are gaining the upper hand against rogue Xenomorph creatures / small colony hives.
On interrogation, a secret message found on one of the supposed Weyland Yutani captured team members, has been decoded and they are not corporate. It is also obvious that they were not the only team out there as part of a secret retrieval operation.
Via the Star Cop search, some shuttle arrivals at Gateway, it has been discovered that experimental drugs were being shipped to moon base to be picked up and taken onwards by an unknown third party. These drugs do not seem to be recreational but designed to promote some form of metabolic change at a cellular level.
So, the race is on to find more information and to decide if this mysterious group needs stopping or supporting - someone is looking to do something with extra-terrestrial artefacts and that this operation is evidently big, well-funded and operating “outside moral and legal constraints”. Satan’s little helpers are needed once again but will they rise to the challenge?
You do not need to have played these games before – the refugee status of the personnel at Gateway station makes it the ideal melting pot to add new characters to the team.